Essay: a letter to my 16 year old self, Irish Country Magazine April ‘22A Letter to my Younger Self,Apr 23, 2022Apr 23, 2022
‘Any Girl’ Book Launch SpeechIt feels apt that three storms brought Any Girl into the world. This book feels to me like a quiet eye of a storm, it’s calm and gentle…Feb 28, 2022Feb 28, 2022
Last Summer I found out that the artist, and my favourite first year NCAD tutor, James O’Nolan…I hadn’t seen him in over ten years and the grief I felt unsettled me in a surprising way. It was because he, in his unique and seemingly…May 4, 2019May 4, 2019
“Doing Money”I watched ‘Doing Money’ on RTE 1 last week with trepidation. Trepidation, because due to years of immersion in the subject of sexual…Nov 8, 2018Nov 8, 2018
Dear MaryI am referencing your response to a young woman which was published in the Sunday Independent on the 19th of August.Aug 21, 2018Aug 21, 2018
How working with a male led campaign White Ribbon Ireland mirrored an emotionally abusive…I am reluctant to write this. It is a long time coming. It needs to be said. It isn’t a take-down or a revenge move. I am only speaking to…Jul 15, 20173Jul 15, 20173